
Welcome to my blog! Thanks for visiting and please explore my blog. If there is any particular topic that you might be interested in, just click on the label for it on the right. This blog will give you some realistic, proven ways to make money, whether it is just that little extra bit that you need, or whether it is to make a full-time living. To start making some money, just keep reading the text below this. I will continue to add more information so make sure you stay updated. Have fun and if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions, or payment requests, please email me at: I have created some more new blogs, make sure you check them out in my profile. Thanks for your continued support and have a great day.

A great way for you to make some money

This is a REAL way that you can make some great money anytime you have a spare one or two hours on your computer. This is VERY possible. And the best part is that you can do this with absolutely NO money to start with at all. It is really not that hard and I promise that you will be able to do this after you read the tutorial that I have on this blog. To get started, just click on the label that says: '5 section tutorial'. Good luck and I know that you can do it.

*This particular method of making money is primarily available to US and Canada residents. I am very sorry to all of you international residents, but don't worry, because I still have some more cool ways for you to earn money as well. Keep on the lookout.

*And just in case you were wondering why these posts were all placed within 5 minutes of each other, it is because I just copied and pasted this from my other blog.

Another new money making opportunity

Well, by now you probably are familiar with Ptc sites. (if you are not, then feel free to look at the post that is under the label: intro to ptc sites.) Well, now I have a way for you to just about DOUBLE your Ptc earnings. For more info,click here

Thursday, June 12, 2008

ways to make money online quickly

Introductory note: I know I already explained these concepts in my previous posts, but I decided to rewrite it and link it into one article, so here it is. Read on! So. You want to make some money and you want to make it fast. Now first let me say that in general, if you really want to build wealth, then it does take time and a foundation to start from. But I understand that sometimes people just need that extra money to get by, so I will explain a few ways how to do that successfully in this article. #1 OK, one good way is to do something called Gpt sites. Gpt sites allow you to take surveys, complete offers from affiliated companies and much more. Gpt stands for Get Paid To. These sites will usually pay anywhere from 1 to 50 dollars per completed offer. On average, the offers usually take about 5 minutes to complete each. Let me explain to you how to complete these offers. OK, so you start off on the homepage of the Gpt site that you signed up with and they will have a list of some of the offers that you can complete and they also give the amount that they are willing to pay you. You then click on one of these offers and you sign up for their trial offer or their service. Keep in mind that if you actually decide to stick with the affiliated service, then you will be charged the normal amount. OK, this next step in the process is important. When you are completing some of these offers for these third party companies, it is important that your read the terms and conditions so that you can figure out how to cancel your account with them, if it is a service that you do not want. If it is something that you do want, then you have no worries. This next step is also important. To make sure that you stay organized, you should keep some kind of chart that is either hand written or perhaps in Microsoft word format. There are a few clumsy in the chart that you want to keep track of. They consist of: offer name, date, payout, cost, how to subscribe (if necessary), expiration date-that one is only important if it is an offer that requires a credit card and it was a trial offer. (I will explain that more a little bit later), and and another column for important miscellaneous notes about the offer. This will help keep you organized, and you will get a real system going. A good way to make filling out these forms easier is to download a free service which automatically fills out your forms for you. It is called roboform. It is extremely easy to use and they have a great reputation for being safe, so you don't need to worry about them installing spyware or adware on your computer. Just log in to to get this service. Now this is the last step but probably most important if you plan on making the most amount of money possible. OK, so most Gpt sites usually pay anywhere from 8 to 50 dollars per offer that you complete that requires a credit card these offers are pretty much the same as the regular offers, but you also have to give them a credit card to charge. I know you probably do not feel comfortable giving out your credit card information, so there is a way to get around this without having your credit card identity flying around the Internet. And the good news is, this way is available to you even if you are under 18 years old. So, what you have to do is sign up for a prepaid gift card and load a small amount each month to pay for the credit card offers. I would recommend that you sign up with to get this card. IMPORTANT NOTE: make sure to clear your web browser's cookies in between offers so that the Gpt site will confirm the offers. -some good Gpt sites: treasure,, one is a little bit more complicated though) #2 OK, I know that was a long explanation, but hopefully you understand now. The second way to earn money quick is to sign up with a Ptc site. Ptc sites are much more simple. Let me explain. You sign up with the ptc site and then you click on some of the ads that they have listed in their directory. You have to view each ad for about 30 seconds and then your account is credited. The payout for each ad is usually only about 0.01 per 30 second view,and there are only about 10 to 15 ads for you to click every day. Uh-oh, looks like your in trouble now right? NO. OK so the way that you really can earn money in this industry is by getting referrals. And don't worry, the referral system for the Ptc industry is amazing for two reasons 1. Almost all of these companies allow you buy members that were not referred by someone else and use them as referrals, so this means that you don't have to do the work of promoting the site if you don't want to. 2. I have not yet seen a Ptc company that pays anything less than 100% referral commission, so this really boosts your profits. Let me give you one scenario: you sign up with 5 ptc companies and with each one you buy 100 referrals. 500 referrals total multiplied by 0.10=50/day=1500/month. Now that's pretty nice passive income! Now the only downside to this is that each referral on average costs about $1 each. Ptc sites are still a great way to earn some money quickly. -tip: a good way to know right away if a ptc site is legit or not, is by checking the contacts information. If it is legit, then you will easily be able to access this. 9 times out of ten, if it is a scam, then they will want to hide their contact info. Another tip for making the mst of ptc sites: sign up with 5-15 of these sites and sign in to the sites at the same time and click on all of the ads at the same time to save some time. -some good Ptc sites to join:,,,, and #3 posting comments and starting new discussions on forums. This is another way to earn some additional cash, especially if you like writing and interacting and discussing with other people. The best and only site I know of right now is a site called they pay per post and they pay anywhere from 1 to 25 cents per post. The more you write, the more you get paid. I know that doesn't seem like much, but there is no limit to how much you can post in one day. I hope you enjoyed this article and hopefully it will help. -when you are ready to sign up, please help me out by clicking on my signup links on the side of the page. Thanks! -If you have any questions, comments concerns or suggestions, please just email me at mdz377

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually like the GPT sites. Some people look at them and then get frustrated when offers don't credit, but if you look into them and get started, you'll find your own pattern. Sunshine here from mylot. Hope you have a great nignt!

Sites that pay to comple offers (GPT) waiting for review

Advertising programs and affiliate programs waiting review

ptc sites waiting for review

Traffic exchange sites waiting review

paid to post sites waiting for review