A lot of people don't believe that you can make money on the web. But this aritcle sure proves that to be a myth. Take a look at what Mr. Jason Welsh has to say about that!
5. Blogging. Blogging is basically just writing about things that interest you. You can "blog" about your favorite hobby, how much you hate your English teacher, or your favorite Wii game. You don't have to be a good writer to make money blogging, you just need to write with passion. Some of the most profitable blogs aren't necessarily well written, they were just written from the heart. If you put time into your blog, with time, you will get visitors. With visitors, comes revenue. As a general rule, the more visitors you have, the more money you'll make! To get started with this, Google the term "Squidoo" or "Hubpages". Both of which will add the advertisements and basically do all the technical work for you. You don't need to know HTML or any fancy programming languages. They will take care of all that, and add the advertisements for you. The best part is, it doesn't cost you a dime!
4. Sell your old stuff on eBay. This wont produce consistent long-term income, but you can make a few hundred dollars selling old junk. Don't play your PS2 any more since you bought a xbox 360? Want to sell that old bike you don't touch any more? Listing items on eBay is very simple and fast, and watching your items get bid up and up is a very exciting thing.
3. Make your own website. Pick a passion that you just absolutely love, and make a website about it. Maybe it's an online game such as World of Warcraft, or maybe it's collecting coins, stamps, or old baseball cards. If it's a hobby you enjoy, I can guarantee you there are millions of other kids who enjoy the exact same thing. Remember, traffic to your website = money, so write interesting content and it will make you money. Keep in mind, this will require significantly more time than blogging, but the profits will also be significantly larger. To get started with making your own website, simply run a couple Google searches and you'll get all the information you need.
2. Become an affiliate. You've probably heard this term before, basically what being an affiliate means is, you help a company sell a product/service, and you get a percentage of the revenue. So for example, Blockbuster wants to sell more memberships for there new service, so they offer an affiliate program. They'll pay you 10$ for every user who visits there website and buys a membership. So, you create a YouTube video discussing how satisfied you are with your BlockBuster membership, and that you'd recommend it to anyone. Over a period of a month, 50 different people click the link on your YouTube page and sign up for a membership. In this scenario, you would have made 500$, because every membership sold earns you 10$! It's really that easy, people are easily persuaded when they see another normal person just like them raving about how great a product/service was. It doesn't have to be in the form of a video, sometimes it's just in the form of a news article or blog. If you're interested in becoming an affiliate, visit the second link at the bottom of this page.
#1 (Top Pick): Get paid through an online service to fill out offers and promotions. This is by far, the easiest, fastest way a teen can make money on the internet. So easy in fact, that you can literally start making money within the next 3 - 5 minutes. Basically how this works is, you're paid by various advertisers, such as Nike and Walmart, to give them information about there products. They need people to tell them what products they like, and what products they don't like, so that they can improve there advertising campaigns. Filling out surveys will make you about 20$/hour once you get the hang of it. If you're interested in getting started with this, click the link under the title 'GPT sites' at the bottom of this page. It's completely free to sign up, takes about 30 seconds, and doesn't require a credit card.
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