
Welcome to my blog! Thanks for visiting and please explore my blog. If there is any particular topic that you might be interested in, just click on the label for it on the right. This blog will give you some realistic, proven ways to make money, whether it is just that little extra bit that you need, or whether it is to make a full-time living. To start making some money, just keep reading the text below this. I will continue to add more information so make sure you stay updated. Have fun and if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions, or payment requests, please email me at: I have created some more new blogs, make sure you check them out in my profile. Thanks for your continued support and have a great day.

A great way for you to make some money

This is a REAL way that you can make some great money anytime you have a spare one or two hours on your computer. This is VERY possible. And the best part is that you can do this with absolutely NO money to start with at all. It is really not that hard and I promise that you will be able to do this after you read the tutorial that I have on this blog. To get started, just click on the label that says: '5 section tutorial'. Good luck and I know that you can do it.

*This particular method of making money is primarily available to US and Canada residents. I am very sorry to all of you international residents, but don't worry, because I still have some more cool ways for you to earn money as well. Keep on the lookout.

*And just in case you were wondering why these posts were all placed within 5 minutes of each other, it is because I just copied and pasted this from my other blog.

Another new money making opportunity

Well, by now you probably are familiar with Ptc sites. (if you are not, then feel free to look at the post that is under the label: intro to ptc sites.) Well, now I have a way for you to just about DOUBLE your Ptc earnings. For more info,click here

Sunday, June 8, 2008

saving money

In this article I will talk about some crafty ways that you can save money.I hope you enjoy it and remember to look at all of the other pages in my blog. Money. everybody wants it, and when they get it, they always want more of it. Here are some good ways to save some of that money that you worked so hard for to get. #1. This is a very classic way but it is often looked over. Save spare change. It can really add up when you get to saving your spare change. I would recommend that you keep one pocket or bag with you throughout the day and then at the end of the day, set up five jars or boxes to put the coins in.(One for half-dollars,one for Quarters, and so on.)Then, at the end of each month, you can go to the bank and get some cardboard to roll your coins up in. This saves money in two ways. A. Of course, you are saving your extra spare change. B. If you do decide to roll up your coins in cardboard and take them to the bank, then you are avoiding that annoying 8% fee that a lot of coin machines at grocery stores charge. So, saving coins is an excellent way to watch that extra money that you thought could never be worth anything stack up. #2 Don't waste time. By this I mean, don't just go to the grocery store without a specific grocery list of all the items that you plan to get. This is one of the biggest ways that people throw money away and they don't even realize it. Resist the temptation of going to the grocery store and just doodling around. #3 Shop online sometimes. This is a little bit of reverse psycology, because even though shopping for groceries online may seem more expensive, most people actually end up saving money and time in the long run because they are not nearly as tempted to buy things that they don't need. Just sign up for an account with like Safeway or Lucky's online and you will save money. #4 Get coupons! I know this may seem boring or stupid, but coupons actually save a lot of people money. A lot more than you think. And now there is an easy way to do it. Just sign up to become a member of a coupons site. Most of thenm are free anyway. WARNING: don't use coupons for stuff that you don't really need, because then you are right back in the hole that you started in. #5 Thank you for reading this article and I will have more info soon. And remember, its your money, spend it wisely. -Thanks for reading this post and if you have any questions comments or corncers, please email me at

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